• A Lawyer on your Team

Instant access when you need it

A lawyer who knows your business

Affordable economical advice

Our Packages

Once we have completed the Legal Health Check process, you may decide you want a lawyer on your team to help you project manage any recommendations or to support your business on an ongoing basis.
In-house connect can arrange for any one of the our service packages to achieve this.

Access to a service packages requires a 3-month commitment. You can, however, move between any of the packages during that time as long as you give your general counsel one month’s notice. This is so they can make sure they have sufficient availability in the following month. You can also choose to suspend your package for month with one month’s notice (e.g. if you want to suspend services over a Christmas shutdown etc…).


$3600 +GST per month

The Basic Package works well for businesses that are relatively healthy and are in a ‘maintaining’ phase. If there are significant areas identified in your Legal Health Check Report that need improvement or you are in a growth/new development phase, you should probably look at one of the other packages first and then, if your business shifts into a maintaining phase, move down to the Basic Package.

The Basic package allows for your selected general counsel to be part of your business for 10 hours per month. In-house connects standard terms require this to be 10 hours of actual work (i.e. it does not include ordinary travel time or time spent catching up generally before or after scheduled meetings). We also require all invoices to be itemised.

How your general counsel’s work time is used is up to you and will depend on your specific business needs. We find that the following is a good starting point:

  • have your general counsel attend at a regular management meeting (or equivalent) at least once a month and to spend up to an hour doing project planning with staff they are working with in that month;
  • coordinate with your general counsel to carry out a specific task from the recommendations provided in your Legal Health Check Report. Have them report on its progress at the next regular management meeting;
  • put at least 1 hour of your general counsel’s time aside each month for ‘off the cuff’ calls. Then make sure your senior managers / directors know that that time is available to them. In our experience, it’s is much less time intensive for your general counsel to provide support in a decision is being made than it is to try and undo any unintended consequences that might result from it.

The Basic Package also allows your business access to our Specialist Advisor panel. These advisors are there as a resource to answer specific questions that might come up from time to time in your business (e.g. specific industrial relations or tax advice for a new hire or structure change). It is part of your general counsel’s role to manage this. This includes defining the questions that need to be asked, instructing in-house connect staff to prepare any necessary documentation and brief material and negotiating a fixed price for the advice with the specialist advisor for your approval.


$5,400 +GST per month

The Basic Package works well for businesses that are relatively healthy and are in a ‘maintaining’ phase. If there are significant areas identified in your Legal Health Check Report that need improvement or you are in a growth/new development phase, you should probably look at one of the other packages first and then, if your business shifts into a maintaining phase, move down to the Basic Package.

The Basic package allows for your selected general counsel to be part of your business for 10 hours per month. In-house connects standard terms require this to be 10 hours of actual work (i.e. it does not include ordinary travel time or time spent catching up generally before or after scheduled meetings). We also require all invoices to be itemised.

How your general counsel’s work time is used is up to you and will depend on your specific business needs. We find that the following is a good starting point:

  • have your general counsel attend at a regular management meeting (or equivalent) at least once a month and to spend up to an hour doing project planning with staff they are working with in that month;
  • coordinate with your general counsel to carry out a specific task from the recommendations provided in your Legal Health Check Report. Have them report on its progress at the next regular management meeting;
  • put at least 1 hour of your general counsel’s time aside each month for ‘off the cuff’ calls. Then make sure your senior managers / directors know that that time is available to them. In our experience, it’s is much less time intensive for your general counsel to provide support in a decision is being made than it is to try and undo any unintended consequences that might result from it.

The Basic Package also allows your business access to our Specialist Advisor panel. These advisors are there as a resource to answer specific questions that might come up from time to time in your business (e.g. specific industrial relations or tax advice for a new hire or structure change). It is part of your general counsel’s role to manage this. This includes defining the questions that need to be asked, instructing in-house connect staff to prepare any necessary documentation and brief material and negotiating a fixed price for the advice with the specialist advisor for your approval.


$7,200 +GST per month

to be inserted, but provides for 20 hours per month and is recommended for situations where legal health check report has identified some serious legal risks that need to be

The Basic package allows for your selected general counsel to be part of your business for 10 hours per month. In-house connects standard terms require this to be 10 hours of actual work (i.e. it does not include ordinary travel time or time spent catching up generally before or after scheduled meetings). We also require all invoices to be itemised.

How your general counsel’s work time is used is up to you and will depend on your specific business needs. We find that the following is a good starting point:

  • have your general counsel attend at a regular management meeting (or equivalent) at least once a month and to spend up to an hour doing project planning with staff they are working with in that month;
  • coordinate with your general counsel to carry out a specific task from the recommendations provided in your Legal Health Check Report. Have them report on its progress at the next regular management meeting;
  • put at least 1 hour of your general counsel’s time aside each month for ‘off the cuff’ calls. Then make sure your senior managers / directors know that that time is available to them. In our experience, it’s is much less time intensive for your general counsel to provide support in a decision is being made than it is to try and undo any unintended consequences that might result from it.

The Basic Package also allows your business access to our Specialist Advisor panel. These advisors are there as a resource to answer specific questions that might come up from time to time in your business (e.g. specific industrial relations or tax advice for a new hire or structure change). It is part of your general counsel’s role to manage this. This includes defining the questions that need to be asked, instructing in-house connect staff to prepare any necessary documentation and brief material and negotiating a fixed price for the advice with the specialist advisor for your approval.

It all starts with a conversation.

If you would like to know more or would like to action one of our options, please contact us today.
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